Tesco reports abundant pumpkin supply despite challenging summer weather

UK – Halloween enthusiasts will be delighted to know that Tesco is reporting a bountiful crop of larger pumpkins for this year’s festival, despite the unpredictable summer weather.

The supermarket said it expects to see strong consumer demand, as this season’s crop will be available for sale starting this week.

“This year we have six different sizes and based on last year’s demand; the carving variety is still the most popular. Each of the six different size categories will be larger than usual this year so fans will get value for money,” said Lucy Moss Pumpkin wholesale buyer and supplier.

Tesco’s range this year includes standard-sized carving pumpkins, culinary pumpkins, munchkin pumpkins, large pumpkins, giant pumpkins, and novelty pumpkins.

Oakley Farms, located near Wisbech in Cambridgeshire, is one of Europe’s largest pumpkin suppliers, cultivating approximately five million pumpkins annually.

The farm’s commercial manager, Steve Whitworth, said that they had a successful pumpkin growing season this summer. They experienced a hot June, which greatly benefited the plants.

“The rainy months of July and August may not have been ideal for sun lovers or BBQ enthusiasts, but from a growing perspective for pumpkins, it was perfect,” Steve said.

“The weather provided us with an optimal balance of rain and sunny intervals, particularly when compared to the difficult conditions we faced during last year’s heatwave, which was officially the hottest year on record in the UK.”

During Halloween, pumpkins play a significant role in various traditions and celebrations. Recent data from UK Halloween statistics reveals that in 2020, 25% of Brits purchased pumpkins for Halloween festivities in the UK.

The average price of a pumpkin in the UK was £1.69 (USD 2.05) in 2022, which is slightly higher than the previous year’s average of £1.46 (USD 1.77).

In the US, on the other hand, the average price of pumpkins during Halloween has significantly increased since 2018. In 2022, the average price of pumpkins reached approximately USD 5.40, which is nearly 40% higher than in previous years.

This surge in pumpkin prices reflects the high demand for carving pumpkins, pumpkin decorations, and culinary uses during the festive season.

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