EGYPT – The export of strawberries in frozen form from Egypt to EU countries has reached a record high level for the period between January to July 2023.

This is according to a publication by EastFruit which further outlines that Egypt has doubled its exports of frozen strawberries to the EU market over the past five years and continued to increase its exports this year.

A total of 95,000 tons of Egyptian frozen strawberries were imported into EU countries in the period between January to July 2023 which is 5% higher than in the same period of the previous year and one and a half times higher than the average for the previous five years, outlines the report.

It is, however, further outlined that only in May and June of this year, exports from Egypt to the EU were lower than last year, while in other months it significantly exceeded it.

Last year Egypt accounted for almost two-thirds of the import of frozen garden strawberries into the EU from non-member countries, states the report.

The EU itself is the largest sales market for frozen garden strawberries in the world, and imports of this product reached 207,000 tons in 2022. 

However, according to the report, in the first seven months of 2023, total imports into the EU decreased to a three-year minimum, amounting to 135,000 tons.

EastFruit, in another report, had projected that the exports of fruits and vegetables from Egypt would increase significantly in 2023 due to a change in the government’s approach to managing the national currency.

The projection was based on the US dollar doubling against the Egyptian pound over the year which meant that for an exporter to receive the same amount in Egyptian pounds for potatoes or citrus sold to another country, they could reduce the price in dollars by half compared to the same date in 2022.

That forecast gave a solid incentive to fresh produce farmers to focus on exports instead of the domestic market. The higher competitiveness of Egyptian goods in foreign markets is also a good motivation to expand production volumes.

Egypt is one of the 25 largest exporters of fruits and vegetables, and these exports allow it to receive earnings in foreign currency necessary to ensure the import of other commodities such as food grains and feed.